Rick and Jesse Brunner of Fifth Generation Farms operate a 2,700-acre dry land farm growing winter wheat, spring wheat, triticale, spring barley and mustard.They work with Josh Bafus of CPS.
What Rick and Jesse say about the 4Rs:
“The 4R program epitomizes our philosophy to farm management. As a multi-generational farm, we are responsible not only to our current family to provide a living, but also to those that will come after us. We strive to improve our overall soil health, to limit ourenvironmental impact, and to increase our profits while continuing the farm legacy we received.”
What Josh says about the 4Rs:
“Crop Production Services and our growers promote the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Program to produce better crops with higher yields. We utilize the best management practices for agricultural sustainability as well as minimizing environmental impact for future generations to follow.”