Agronomy Conference and Expo
Agronomy Conference and Expo
Agronomy Conference and Expo
August 12, 2024 - August 14, 2024 | St. Louis, Missouri
Centered on ag retail, this conference serves as a platform to expand agronomic knowledge, network with peers, and discover new market opportunities, while digging into the dynamics of effective business practices. The conference aims to empower attendees with actionable solutions they can bring back to their businesses and customers while exploring the future of agriculture. The expo will provide hands-on engagement and exhibits that showcase the latest innovations.
Top 5 Reasons to Attend the Agronomy Conference & Expo
Who should attend?
The Agronomy Conference and Expo is designed for professionals in ag retail making management decisions related to hiring and purchasing, sales and marketing, and anyone with divisional, regional/multi-location, or country level responsibilities.
Do You Qualify for Complimentary Registration?
In the conference’s inagural year, TFI is offering complimentary registration to qualified retail agronomists and crop advisors. Please complete the form here to see if you qualify.
Who should exhibit?
If Ag Retail is your customer, this is the conference for you!
Potential Exhibitors:
- Agricultural technology
- Seed and plant genetics
- Biostimulants
- Fertilizer and soil health
- Crop protection and pest management
- Machinery and equipment manufacturers
- Sustainable farming providers
Why attend?
At the 2024 Agronomy Conference and Expo, expect to ENHANCE your agronomic expertise, GROW your connections and EMBRACE innovation.
TFI Member Early Bird: $350
Non-Member Early Bird: $495
Regular Member: $450
Regular Non-Member: $694
CCAs, Farmers, & Retail Group: $180
Conference Fees
Rates (Early Bird Rate Ends July 1st)
TFI Member Early Bird: $350
Non-Member Early Bird: $495
Regular Member Rate: $450
Regular Non-member Rate: $695
CCAs, Farmers, & Retail Group: $180
Who Should Attend?
Interested in participating in our Hosted Buyer Program?
In the conference’s inagural year, TFI is offering complimentary registration to qualified retail agronomists and crop advisors. Please complete the form here to see if you qualify.
Discounted rates for group registrations are available. Please contact Tiffany Ballow at tballow@tfi.org to receive discounted rates for TFI members with a group of 10+.
The full registration fee includes:
- Attendance at all conference education sessions
- Full access to the tradeshow floor
- Breakfast and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday
- Networking Receptions
- Coffee Lounge throughout the day
- Conference mobile app containing conference schedule and attendee list
Payment Options
Credit Cards: We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Please provide your credit card number, expiration date, and credit card billing address. All credit card transactions are processed in U.S. dollars and subject to the current U.S. exchange rate.
International Attendees: For international attendees wishing to pay by another payment method, please contact Valerie Sutton at vsutton@tfi.org. Please note: The Fertilizer Institute is not responsible for foreign check or wire transaction processing fees not included in the actual transfer. Attendees will be required to pay the fee if the check is not drawn on a U.S. bank or if a wire transaction processing fee is not included in the actual transfer.
Cancellations must be received via email to Valerie Sutton, vsutton@tfi.org by May 27, 2023, for a refund of the registration fee (less 25% administrative fee). No telephone cancellations are accepted. After May 27, 2023, all registrations will be non-refundable. No-show attendees will not be refunded. Substitutions may be made by contacting TFI’s conference department or onsite. Refunds for payments made by check will be processed within two weeks following the conference.
Registration List
Registrations are not official until payment is received. A list of all registered delegates will be provided to registered and paid attendees only. Please note that your name, company, address, and email will appear exactly as you have indicated on your registration form. A final list of registered delegates will be available on the conference mobile app. No additional list of attendees will be provided during or after the conference.
Terms & Conditions
The TFI Registration Terms and Conditions apply to all registrants and your participation in the TFI Event (both in-person and virtual), regardless of whether your registration is submitted by you or your proxy. By registering, you accept these terms and conditions.
Attendee List Scam Warning
As with many larger conferences and trade shows, companies may try to contact TFI Conference attendees and exhibitors, claiming to represent TFI or its Conferences (and/or leaving out important information so that it’s ambiguous whether they represent The Fertilizer Institute), offering TFI Conference attendee lists or Industry Contact Lists. The Fertilizer Institute does not ever sell or give away membership or attendee contact information*. No company is authorized to distribute or sell any lists for the event. The Fertilizer Institute does not rent, share or sell your attendee contact information to third parties.
Exhibitor Setup
Biostimulant Workshop Applying for Certification
Biostimulant Committee Meeting
Research Committee Meeting
CITYPARK Soccer Stadium Tour
First-time Attendee Orientation and Reception
General Session Breakfast
Jeff TarsiExpo Hours, featuring Show Floor Education
Networking Lunch
Education Breakouts
Happy Hour in the Expo Hall
After Hours Party
Location: Hotel Lobby Bar
General Session Breakfast
Expo Hours, featuring Show Floor Education
Networking Lunch in the Expo Hall
Innovation Spotlight
Exhibitor Breakdown
1820 Market Street One Union Station
St. Louis, Missouri, United States 63103
Hotel block reservation cut off date is July 22nd.
Interested in Exploring the Area?
Discounted tickets available for the following activities, all located within Union Station: the St. Louis Wheel, Aquarium, Mini Golf, Ropes Course, Carousel, and Mirror Maze. Please contact Alice McKinnon for more details amckinnon@tfi.org.
At the 2024 Agronomy Conference and Expo, expect to ENHANCE your agronomic expertise, GROW your connections and EMBRACE innovation.
Wondering what might be covered at the Agronomy Conference and Expo?
The Agronomy Conference and Expo program is designed to help address the business challenges specific to ag retail. In addition to traditional 4R agronomy training, attendees will also gain insights on new and innovative products, vital soft skills, and the policy and economic landscape.
How to leverage retail trends shaping the agronomy industry
Jeff Tarsi, Executive Vice President and President of Global Retail at Nutrien Ag Solutions
General and Breakout Topics
4R Focus: Soil Fertility & Agronomy
- The relationship between fertilizer and soil health – Rob Mikkelson, Yara
- Workshop: The Soil Microbiome, Lizzie French, Nutrien Ag Solutions
- Sulfur Sources and Chemical Forms – Tryston Beyrer, Mosaic
Connect & Communicate: Ways to Build Your Business
- Workshop: Building Your Brand and Connecting with Customers – Jamie Sears Rawlings, Trust in Food/Farm Journal
- How to Bring Sustainability into your Business – Keith Byerly, Mosaic
- Q&A: Ask a 4R Grower
Farming Futures: Trends and Insights
- Farm Market Outlook – Chad Hart, Iowa State University
- Weather Outlook with Eric Snodgrass – Eric Snodgrass, Nutrien
- The Role of AI in Agronomic Businesses – Ranveer Chandra, Microsoft
Breaking Ground: Advances and Agronomic Solutions
- From Precision to Autonomy: Tech Trends in Ag – Darryl Matthews
- Barriers and Benefits: Are Plastics an Issue in Polymer Coated Ureas? – Joe Brady, Pursell
- Workshop: Implementing Successful On-Farm Demonstrations – Jon Hubble, Simplot Grower Solutions
- Navigating the Biostimulant and Value Add Market – Vatren Jurin, Dunham Trimmer
At the 2024 Agronomy Conference and Expo, expect to ENHANCE your agronomic expertise, GROW your connections and EMBRACE innovation.
Advisory Council
Meet our Program Advisory Council:
Brendan Bachman
Director of FS Agronomy, GROWMARK
Paul Bonnett
Senior Director of Agronomy and Environmental Sciences, Nutrien Ag Solutions
Derek Emerine
National Agronomist, Information Management Services, Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC
Jeremy Singer
Head of Agronomy and Digital Sales Enablement, J.R. Simplot Company
Doug Spaunhorst
Director of Agronomy Services, MFA Incorporated
At the 2024 Agronomy Conference and Expo, expect to ENHANCE your agronomic expertise, GROW your connections and EMBRACE innovation.
Exhibiting & Sponsoring
Who should exhibit?
Suppliers/any company wanting to do business with ag retail or independent agronomists, including those who provide the following products or services:
- Biotech and biologicals
- Consulting
- Crop inputs
- Farm management systems
- Farming equipment
- Precision farming
- Robotics
- Satellite imaging and drones
- Sensors
- Software
- Soil testing and analysis
Enhanced business development opportunities for exhibitors:
- Increased engagement on the show floor: ACE features designated expo-only time on the schedule and Tech talks, a new feature that allows exhibitors to secure a 10-minute presentation to share their products and services on stage
- New and improved thought-leader sponsorship opportunities: contact us to develop a personalized sponsorship in alignment with your company’s brand; themes include education, environmental stewardship/4Rs, innovation, and more.
- 10 complimentary customer invites for exhibitors (customers must be a qualified agronomist or grower who is not already registered)
- Pre-conference marketing assets to help exhibitors maximize their presence at the show
Members $2,400
Non-members: $2,500
For more information on exhibitor opportunities, please contact:
Bethany Murphy Exhibits & Sponsorship The Fertilizer Institute Cell: 732-804-7166 Email: bethany@bigredm.com
By submission of your company’s exhibit space application, all exhibiting companies agree to abide by The Fertilizer Institute’s Exhibitor Terms and Conditions and any further rules and regulations issued prior to, or at, the show.
At the 2024 Agronomy Conference and Expo, expect to ENHANCE your agronomic expertise, GROW your connections and EMBRACE innovation.