A Foundation Built On
Fertilizer Education, Research & Training
We are the best narrators of our own story. With the formation of the Fertilizer Education and Research and Training (FERT) Foundation, the entire industry will amplify its collective voice.
If you have questions or would like more information, contact Harriet Wegmeyer at hwegmeyer@tfi.org.
Nutrients for Life is a global organization dedicated to developing and distributing science-based materials to improve plant nutrient literacy, soil health knowledge and promote fertilizer’s role in sustaining a growing population.
Since the original ‘Nourishing the Planet in the 21st Century’ middle and high school curricula were created in 2007, Nutrients for Life has continued to expand its library to include relevant K-12 resources. All information developed by our Foundation is science-based and supported by internationally accredited agronomists. Our supplemental educational materials are based on our curriculum, which has been reviewed by the Smithsonian Institution.
Nutrients for Life is here to help industry members tell the story of the importance of fertilizer. Students are our nation’s future employees, consumers, voters and leaders. Through the Foundation’s efforts and resources, fertilizers become part of classroom discussions, fostering a better understanding of their importance and impact.
View our current annual report here.
Science and research are core to the FERT Foundation and to the agricultural industry as a whole. Soils are highly complex in their nature, and as we learn more about the soil, the industry is constantly evolving with new practices and technologies to optimize fertilizer use. From enhanced efficiency fertilizers to implementation of the 4Rs, FERT supports research efforts with on-going projects in six states across the U.S. focused on improving 4R management across a variety of cropping systems.
The mission of the FERT Foundation’s research pillar is to support and advocate for proactive scientific research rooted in 4R nutrient stewardship focused on innovation and sustainability, and to communicate research outcomes with stakeholders in policy, public, and industry circles. The FERT Research team aims to bring research not just to ag industry members, but to the public, weaving research into the larger story of agriculture.

Research Resources

Nutri-Net: Advanced 4R practices provide environmental benefits with no production decline

Soil Phosphorus Trends in the Lake Erie Region

Determine Benefits of 4R Nutrient Management and Conservation Practices On Water Quality and Use Efficiency via the Arkansas Discovery Farm Program: A Collective Learning Experience

Integrating Enhanced-Efficiency Fertilizers in 4R Nutrient Fertilizers in 4R Nutrient Management

Sustainable Intensification to Protect Soil Resources

Sustainable Phosphorus Management: Defining 4R Practices

The Identification of Management Strategies that Target Multiple Nitrogen Loss Pathways (Part 3 of 3)

Keep Fertilizer on the Farm: Using the 4R Framework to Support Sustainable Nutrient Management in the Northern Great Plains

Impact of Soil Applied Potassium on Cotton Yield and Profitability in Texas
First Class Results
More than 40 emerging leaders from across the fertilizer industry participated in the first annual Ford West Leadership Academy this week in Houston, Texas. The highly interactive industry-specific curriculum for this first cohort featured expert-led sessions on Advocacy, Sales and Business Development, Agronomy and Stewardship, The Essentials of Finance, Crisis Management, Safety and Security, Fertilizer 101 and the History and Future of the Fertilizer Industry.

Join Our Community
No matter where you are along the supply chain, there’s a place for you in TFI. When it comes to addressing tough challenges, we are acres ahead, and we’re proud to partner with fertilizer producers, wholesalers, retailers and the businesses that serve them. By leveraging the power of a unified industry voice, we rise above the noise and ensure that you are heard.