Industry Data
Get the accurate information you need, when and how you need it.
TFI Stats gives you access to customizable data sets with the click of a button. Only interested in one product? Need data from a certain timeframe? Our platform has you covered, and even lets you save your custom reports for easy access later.
Data Snapshots
Download charts and graphs to visualize trends over time.
A picture is worth a thousand words. And through TFI Stats, you can take your custom reports and create graphics to help you convey your messages. The easy-to-download charts and graphs can be used in internal business analysis and actionable intelligence.
Market Dynamics
The landscape is always changing; our tools give you insights to stay on top.
The dynamics of the fertilizer industry are constantly in motion. TFI Stats plus our Market Insights on the Members Only Market Intelligence page gives you access to historical data and insights, helping you make sense of a changing market.